Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Networked Copier

Good things about being able to send documents directly to the copier:
  • I can make a set of handouts from my office without having to stand and wait for the copier to finish in the office.
  • I don't even have to stand and wait for the copier to warm up if it's been shut down!
Bad things about being able to send documents directly to the copier:
  • Occasionally I make 35 copies of my class roster or something by mistake. On the printer rather than the copier. I have not yet accidentally done this with a 40 page paper or anything, but I still have plenty of time.
  • I also end up looking for things in the printer that I actually sent to the copier by mistake.
  • Sometimes I forget to pick up the class handouts that I made the night before. And sometimes I forget on the way down to the office. That may just be a sign of creeping senility, 'though.

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